• BEAT Video Program – A Winning Team!

    The award-winning BEAT Video Program is unique. Since 2000, more than 900 students in grades six through 12 have had the opportunity to write news stories, conduct on-camera interviews, edit, shoot and direct more than 4,000 programs that air on our Educational Access Channel 1025, the BEAT (Spectrum).

    In 2011, these young people began to take over management of the station and Program as it evolved into a student-driven program. Each first, second, and veteran student (many of whom are in middle school) produces six print and video news stories that spotlight activities/events throughout Brunswick, Medina County, and beyond. Their articles not only appear on the BEAT and various websites but are often selected by area newspapers with bylines by our students.

    Television channels also see the news videos and send crews out to cover interesting stories. Students begin to edit programs in the second year and step into management roles in their third year and beyond.

    Finally, the Program would not exist if not for the generous support of over 80 businesses that contributed over $500,000 in funds, equipment, and services during the early years of the BEAT’s formation. Over the years, this has been used to purchase and upgrade state-of-the-art video production equipment that our students use to produce videos and podcasts.

    Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please contact John Wasylko, BEAT Video Program Advisor, at (330) 321-7601/cell or via email: jwasylko@bcsoh.org