- Brunswick City School District
- Preschool Registration
Preschool Registration
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are pleased your child has been selected as a peer model in our preschool program. When selecting a peer model we look for peers who exhibit characteristics of a positive role model. During peer screening we assess the following areas listed below:
- age appropriate articulation
- age appropriate language and social skills
- the ability to follow directions and routines
- the ability to take turns and share during play
- pre-academic skills
In order for your student to be enrolled in Brunswick City Schools, you must complete the entire registration process. Only the custodial parent/legal guardian can officially enroll a student. Therefore, the custodial parent/legal guardian must be the individual filling out the application and providing signatures. You will need an active email address to complete the registration process and to receive updated information throughout the school year.
Note: Be sure to save your username and password as Brunswick City Schools does NOT have access to your login information. If you forget your password, you can retrieve it by clicking on the "Forgot your password?" link on the login page. If you forget your username, you must start over.
Preschool Registration Instructions for New Families
Please follow the following step to complete the registration process:
Step 1: Complete the New Student Registration.
Step 2: Collect the required document and form for registration. All forms are to be uploaded into your final forms account.
If you are not able to upload the required documents and would like to set up an appointment to complete your child’s registration or you have other questions regarding enrollment, please contact Sarah Korte, Preschool Secretary, at 330-273-0505 or by emailing skorte@bcsoh.org
Required documents and forms can be found HERE.
Step 3: Complete the Physical Exam/Immunization Records and Dental Exam
- Section 3301-37-08 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) requires Preschool programs in Ohio obtain the following for all students: a report from a licensed physician affirming that the child is in suitable condition for enrollment in the program. The Physical Exam must have taken place within the 12 months prior to your registration date to be considered valid.
- If your child does not currently see a dentist, please indicate that on the bottom of the form. We strongly encourage you to take your child to a dentist.
Please note: We are now using Final Forms for our new student registration process. After you click on the link above, choose “ *NEW ACCOUNT*” under the “PARENT’ icon if you do not have a student currently enrolled in Brunswick City School to begin the enrollment process. If you already have an existing account you can log in with your email address.