Program Overview

  • The Brunswick City School District recognizes its responsibility to identify the special needs of students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age.  We believe that students with these abilities need opportunities to experience a differentiated curriculum that will encourage them to develop their talents, to research their interests, to seek challenges, to understand and appreciate their unique abilities, and to become lifelong learners.

    In accordance with Section 3324.01 through 3324.07 of the Ohio Revised Code and the Rules, Regulations, and Policies for Gifted Education, the Brunswick City School District has established procedures to identify gifted students.

Whole Grade Screening

  • Each year, school districts in Ohio have the responsibility of identifying gifted learners in several categories.  The district must provide an accurate child count to the Ohio Department of Education.

    In accordance with this state mandate, and as part of the Brunswick City School District assessment programming, all students in grade 2 and grade 4 will be taking a standardized test.  Grade 2 will be tested during the week of February 17th, 2025.  Grade 4 will be tested during the week of October 7th, 2024. The district will use the results from this test not only to help identify students as gifted in the area of superior cognitive for the Ohio child count list, but it will also assist classroom teachers as they continue to work with students this year.

    The tests that districts use must be approved by ODE. The test that will be used in the BCSD this year will be the INVIEW. Classroom teachers will administer the test. The test will be sent out of the district for scoring and parents will be informed of the results when they are available.
    Thank you for supporting your student during this week of testing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Gifted Coordinator at the Board of Education. 
    During September, January and May, the district will also be looking for students who are gifted in the specific academic areas of math and/or reading. To find these students, MAPs scores earned by students during this year will be reviewed.  MAPs testing is approved by ODE for use in identifying students as gifted.  Again, the information from this assessment will not only help to identify students as gifted but will assist classroom teachers as they work with their students. This assessment will be scored in district and parents will be informed of the results when they are available.

Request for Gifted Screening

  • Testing for gifted identification is offered in the fall and spring to address parent and/or teacher requests. 
    Fall testing will be performed during the last week of September and the first two weeks of October each year.  In order to be tested for the fall, all forms MUST be completed and turned in to the building principal by September 15th.
    Spring testing will be performed in March each year.  In order to be tested for the spring, all forms MUST be completed and turned in to the building principal by February 15th.
    Please complete the referral and request for testing using the form below.  If you are NOT the parent who is requesting testing, the BCSD will seek permission for testing from the parent.  

Contact Us

  • Patrick Geschke

    W. Patrick Geschke
    Director of Education and Innovation
    Phone: 330-273-0573

    Ellen Foster

    Ellen Foster
    Coordinator of Instruction: Gifted and Enrichment Coordinator
    Phone: 330-273-0444

    Jennifer Clark

    Jennifer Clark
    Gifted Intervention Specialist
    EXCEL Teacher
    Britttany Harraman
    Brittany Harraman
    Gifted Intervention Specialist
    EXCEL Teacher