
    Welcome to Brunswick City Schools!



    Dear Parent/Guardian,

    Only a custodial parent/legal guardian can officially enroll a student.  Therefore, the custodial parent/legal guardian must be the individual filling out the application and providing signatures. You will need an active email address to complete the registration process and to receive updated information throughout the school year.  

    Note:  The Brunswick City School District uses Final Forms for new student enrollment. Please note the following:

    • If you are the primary parent of a current Brunswick City School District student, you already have a Final Forms account. To enroll an additional student in the district, log into your current Final Forms account and click on “add student”.  If you cannot access your account, please contact your current student’s building or grade-level secretary for login information.

    • If you do not have any students currently enrolled in Brunswick City Schools, choose “New Account” to create your parent account in Final Forms.

    • Make sure that you choose the correct school year for which you want to enroll your new student: the current school year is 2024-2025 and the next school year (beginning in August 2025) is 2025-2026.

    • Students currently enrolled in Kidder Preschool do not need to be re-enrolled in kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year; they will automatically be promoted to kindergarten for 2025-2026 unless we are informed otherwise by the student’s custodial parent/legal guardian.

    Be sure to save your username and password as Brunswick City Schools does NOT have access to your password. Your username is your personal email address. If you forget your password, you can retrieve it by clicking on the "Forgot your password?" link on the login page. 


    If you are not able to upload the required documents or you have other questions regarding enrollment, please contact Kim Frantz, Registrar, at 330-273-0470 or via email at kfrantz@bcsoh.org.

    Helpful Links for Parents and Guardians:

    Thank you and welcome to Brunswick City Schools!

    For parents of incoming kindergarten students: The Board of Education adopted a revised board policy indicating a change to the Kindergarten birthday cut-off date.  Effective beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, that new policy states that "A child is eligible for entrance into kindergarten if s/he attains the age of five (5) on or before August 1st of the year in which she/he applies for entrance." 

    Only children who are both academically talented and of superior ability are admitted for Early Entrance.  Click here if you feel your child may meet the criteria.